3 phrases I’m cutting out of my life

To be happier and healthier

Isabella Grandic
4 min readJul 16, 2023

What you say influences more than what other people think of you. It influences what you think of yourself (including your mindset and motivations). These are your habits of mouth.

‘Linguistic reprogramming’ can be as simple as taking a negative statement and converting it to a positive one.

Without changing my circumstances, I can adjust how I think about my them. E.g., “I am bad at running” can convert to “I could become better at running if I ran twice a week.” In the first, I am in a victim. In the second, I see opportunity. The status quo is the same: my running skills aren’t good. The outlook is different.

This positive reframing is powerful because it brings me hope. I’m not good at running now, but I could be later.

For any thought, almost certainly, I can rephrase it in a more positive way. But, there are also general statements that I could omit/reduce that reframe situations without changing the specifics.

This is my linguistic reprogramming compass 🧭

I should

Should implies that someone or something else is telling you what to do.

Think about the sentence: ‘I should study computer science.’ Who is telling me that I should do it? My parents? Society? My ego? A mentor?

When I use should I outsource the decision maker. I am less critical about evaluating what…



Isabella Grandic

Aspiring healthcare infrastructure designer, technologist and scientist.